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Committees & Organizations

There are many ways to serve at Stockholm, and we are always looking for volunteers! If you have any questions, or need to communicate with a specific committee or organization, feel free to contact the church and we will put you in touch with the right person!


Church Council

The church council meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month. Devotions begin at 7 pm, followed by the meeting at 7:15 pm. Minutes are published in The Stockholm Story each month.

Council members are responsible for serving in the kitchen for Harvest Festival, as well decorating the church for Christmas.

Elected Committees

  • Auditing

  • Nominating

  • Cemetery Board

  • Synod Delegates

  • Usher Captains

  • Local Hunger Contact

  • Global Mission Contact

Tractor Repair and Refurbishment

Women of the ELCA (WELCA)

All women and girls are welcome and encouraged to take part in numerous activities and events throughout the year, including:

  • Mother/Daughter Luncheon

  • Tractor Show food stand

  • Harvest Festival silent auction

  • Multiple gatherings/meetings


All men and boys are welcome and encouraged to join in the activities and planning sessions.


Some events throughout the year include:

  • Father/Son Banquet

  • Ice Cream Social/Pork Chop Dinner

  • Tractor Show

  • Trap Shoot

  • Harvest Festival

The brotherhood is also responsible for building Faith Chests, given to newly baptized members.

Quilted Pillow

Evangelism and Social Ministry

  • Inform the congregation of the world mission of the church, through the ELCA and other programs.

  • Promote mission festivals and support of the world mission programs of the Church.

  • Study the needs of the people of the area in which we live, and promote programs and policies to meet these needs.

  • Inform the congregation of resources available through the church, community, and government agencies to assist people in need.


Finance, Stewardship, and Memorial

  • Keep abreast of the financial status of the congregation, making recommendations as needed.

  • Oversee the church’s insurance and investment program.

  • Oversee the annual audits of the congregational accounts by the Auditing Committee.

  • Prepare a draft budget to be presented to the council for approval.

  • Encourage all efforts to promote good stewardship by informed and grateful givers.

  • Prepare a graph that illustrates our giving patterns.

  • Oversee Faith Steward Program (member donation tracking system)


Staff Support

  • Provides a channel for giving the Pastor feedback about ministry in the congregation so that he/she is always in touch with how ministry is perceived.

  • Offers the Pastor an opportunity to reflect on ministry as he/she sees fit.

  • Serve as the Pastor’s advocates before official boards and committees, and bring about the initiation of change or the beginning of new programs where they appear as needed.

  • Dream and brainstorm with the Pastor new and creative ways of carrying out ministry.

  • Provides members an avenue through which they can communicate specific needs and concerns, as well as satisfaction to their Pastor where those persons feel reluctant to do so directly.

  • Can help interpret Pastoral Ministry to the congregation.

  • Oversee the volunteer and paid positions at Stockholm and be a resource for them as well as doing any training or changes that need to be made.

Music Sheets and a Cross


  • See to the proper maintenance and protection of all church property.

  • Supervise custodian work.

  • Review insurance coverage and inventory of church property annually.

  • Gardening

  • Be responsible for planting flowers in the spring and fall.

  • Care for plants and shrubbery.



Quilting is held the last Tuesday of the month in the church basement. It begins at 10 am with a potluck at noon. Additional dates are noted in the bulletin or The Stockholm Story. This important ministry touches people near and far. Everyone is welcome to attend!


Christian Education

  • Oversee the conduct of Sunday School and Vacation Bible School.

  • Oversee and help plan the Family Ministry events of the church.

  • Encourage qualified youth to prepare for ministry or other vocations.


Worship and Music

  • Oversees that worship services are conducted regularly and are in good order.

  • Supervise and advance welfare and effective services of all choirs.

  • Arrange for purchase, use and care of paraments, musical instruments, hymnals, and other worship materials.

  • Lead Sunday worship at Cokato Manor two months each year.

  • Encourage all members to share their talents for worship life, serving as choir members, musicians, ushers, greeters, readers, etc.

  • Plan a schedule of services and special events.

Woman at desk


  • Preserve records and artifacts of value to the Church.

  • Keep record of items preserved.


Altar Guild

  • Hang banners, when needed.

  • Change permeants, as needed.

  • Keep all linens clean.

  • Polish brass.

  • Order and place flowers on altar, when requested.

  • Check candle-lighters for wicks.

  • Set up for communion and communion banner.

  • Check Pastor’s schedule to see what order of communion will be used.

  • Baptisms

  • Make baptismal napkins.

  • Place Baptismal candle on the altar

  • Set out Baptismal banner and place child(ren) name(s) on it.

  • Do not place any banner in front of cross banner behind the lectern.

Stockholm Lutheran

16133 Cty Rd 30 SW

Cokato, MN 55321

If you have questions, or are interested in becoming a member, please feel free to contact us!

Office: (320) 286-2991

Pastor: (763) 412-2915

Pastor's Email:

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